Tuscaloosa Soccer Club

Standards of Behavior Players, Parents and Coaches


The Tuscaloosa Soccer Club (TSC) sponsors youth soccer activity with the goal of providing our children an opportunity to develop superior life skills through team play, sportsmanship, top competition, and hard work. Our mission is to provide Tuscaloosa Soccer Club youth the opportunity to play soccer at the highest level commensurate with their individual ability, potential, and interest. An emphasis on fair play and respect for all participants is a primary element of our club’s mission. To better achieve that mission, we provide the following Standards of behavior for all Tuscaloosa Soccer Club players, parents, and coaches.  These Standards of behavior are a covenant between Tuscaloosa Soccer Club players, parents, and coaches to abide by the rules and regulations of the game, as well as to maintain a cooperative attitude and uphold the ideals of fair play and sportsmanship. These standards express our core values and goals. It is essential they be honored and followed.

The Standards of behavior can be summarized in the following three principles: (1) Demonstrating a positive attitude; (2) Setting a good example; and (3) Maintaining good relationships with all youth soccer participants - including officials, opponents, and our own teams’ players, parents, and coaches.

1. Demonstrating a positive attitude

Players, parents, and coaches are expected to show a positive, respectful attitude for everyone involved in the sport. Criticism and disrespect for officials, opponents, coaches or fans undermine the purpose of sport and encourage behavior contrary to the spirit of the game and the mission of TSC.

2. Setting a good example

Each person associated with TSC is accountable for his/her own behavior at all times on or off the field of play. Parents, coaches and other adults should remember that children learn by example - it is up to the adults to set good examples.

TSC will not tolerate conduct that is detrimental to the sport, the participants, or the community. Such conduct includes: Vulgarity by coaches, players or parents; harassment or belittling of officials, coaches or players; verbal abuse, threats or physical violence toward anyone before, during or after a match; and the taunting of opposing players, coaches and parents.

We require thorough self-restraint by all participants - both players and adults.

Teams must exercise appropriate control over those who fail to control themselves.

3. Maintaining good relationships

Officials - The referee's job is a difficult one. All referees are human and they do make mistakes.  Parents or players who believe their team has been treated unfairly or has been assigned an unqualified referee should speak to their coach after the game. Coaches should inform the appropriate club officials about blatant officiating problems. Managers should make reports through appropriate channels, including mail evaluations where available. 

In accordance with FIFA laws, verbal abuse toward a referee can result in a red card and ejection for the player, coach or parent. Referees have the authority to suspend play if a coach does not control his players and parents/supporters.

Opponents - Players and coaches are required to maintain a sense of fair play and be respectful of opposing players, coaches and fans at all times. Sportsmanship begins with respect. Without it, the positive competitive environment, which should be a perfect classroom for learning the values of soccer, is completely undermined. Occasionally we will encounter opponents who do not share our values and high standards. If we allow ourselves to be drawn down to their level, we will have lost regardless of the final score.

Our Own Team - In an environment where our children are competing not only against other teams but also frequently against each other, it can be difficult to control jealousies and rivalries. A successful team resembles a family in that members put their own needs second, behind the greater good of the team. Great care must be taken not to undermine the coaches’ authority. As in most cases, parental example is all-important.

Tuscaloosa Soccer Club - Player's Code

It is a privilege to play on a soccer team. As a TSC player, I will:


I have read, understand and hereby agree to abide by and support this TSC Player’s Standards of behavior.

Today’s date: ______________________________________

Player’s name: _____________________________________

Player’s signature: __________________________________

TSC Team: ______________________________________

Tuscaloosa Soccer Club - Parent's Code

As a parent, you play a special role in the development of your daughter or son, and of his/her teammates. Your encouragement and good example will do more to ensure good sportsmanship and self-discipline than any other influence. The other team is the opponent, not the enemy, and should be treated with respect. While winning is important, playing well and fairly is the essence of the game.

1. Support your child

Support your child by giving encouragement and showing interest in his/her team. Help your child work toward skill improvement and good sportsmanship in every game. Teach your child that hard work and an honest effort are often more important than victory.

2. Always be positive

Children learn more by example than by criticism. Work to be a positive role model, and reinforce positive behavior in others. Applaud good plays by others on your child's team as well as good plays by the opposing team. Do not criticize any child’s performance from the sidelines. Accept the results of each game. Teach your child to be gracious in victory and to turn defeat into victory by learning and working toward improvement.

3. Don't be a sideline coach or ref

Refrain from coaching or refereeing from the sidelines. Parents who shout or scream from the sidelines often give inappropriate advice at the wrong time. The coach should be the only sideline voice. Remain well back from the sidelines and within the spectator area. You and your child will both enjoy the game more if you put some emotional distance between yourself and the field or play. Officials are symbols of fair play, integrity and sportsmanship - Do not openly question their judgment or honesty.

4. Demonstrate a positive attitude toward your opponents and their families

Opponents are not enemies. Take care to show good hospitality at home and to represent Tuscaloosa Soccer Club soccer in a positive way when visiting other clubs. Never allow yourself to be drawn into a verbal disagreement with opposing parents or coaches. No one has ever regretted letting “cooler heads prevail.”

5. Remember that your child wants to have fun

Your child is the one playing soccer, not you. Children must establish their own goals - to play the game for themselves. Take care not to impose unreasonable demands on your child. Let your children experience the fun of playing as well as the challenge of excelling.

I/we will set a good example to my/our child in his/her soccer development by adhering at all times to the following:


I have read, understand and hereby agree to abide by and support this TSC Parent’s Standards of behavior.

Today’s date: ______________________________________________

Parent’s name(s): ___________________________________________

Parent’s signature: __________________________________________

Parent’s signature: __________________________________________

Team name: _______________________________________________

Tuscaloosa Soccer Club - Coach's Code

The TSC Coach’s Code enumerates basic requirements, organized under four principles. They are: Setting a good example; keeping players safe; ensuring that all participants in TSC have a positive experience; and relating to game officials in an exemplary manner and encouraging players to do the same.

1. Setting a good example

2. Keeping players safe

Coaches should have the safety of the players in their charge as their first priority at all times.

Coaches should be familiar with the facility(ies) and fields on which their teams practice and play, and be

mindful of the levels of fitness and skill of each one of their players. Coaches should also be familiar with the Laws of the Game, current with principles of age-appropriate coaching, aware of applicable existing rules and regulations, and informed of the affairs of TSC and their league.

3. Creating a positive experience

TSC wishes to ensure that games are fair, positive and enjoyable experiences for the children and adults involved. A soccer game should be friendly and unifying - a spirited social and athletic occasion for players, coaches, referees, and spectators.

4. Relating to officials

Coaches should demonstrate respect for the official and his/her role. Coaches can help referees improve by letting them concentrate on the game, accepting their inevitable, occasional mistakes, and offering constructive post-game comments.


I have read, understand and hereby agree to abide by and support this TSC Coach’s Standards of behavior.

Today’s date: ________________________________________________

Coach’s name: _______________________________________________

Coach’s signature:  ____________________________________________

TSC Team: _________________________________________________